Meet Steve

I got my start in business growing up in my parents’ small travel agency. While the name, “travel agency” tells you how that story ended, I learned much from the successes, failures, and unique work opportunities it provided. My first published ad was designed on an IBM 286 in Aldus PageMaker running on Windows 3.1 and published in Trains magazine when I was fourteen. My first lesson in personalized one to one marketing were hand-signed letters from my dad produced out of a DOS Dbase IV database merging with WordPerfect. When the internet came along to kill the business, it first afforded me the chance to publish my first web site in 1995.

I took a break from marketing work and schooling for two years to serve as a Spanish speaking missionary in the Dominican Republic. At least that’s what I thought, however more lessons and experience were crammed into that short period of time that I can count. Every success I’ve had in life, has the finger prints of those two years on it.

From school it was off to a career in credit union marketing of all things. I ran marketing and technology for an exciting industry start-up for a number of years. You had to drag me from work it was so much fun and growth. That led to great opportunities in marketing positions within credit unions. While in the throes of a home equity line of credit campaign, a Sunday sermon about the evils of home equity loans made me question if what I was doing matched up with what originally attracted me to credit unions in the first place.

The answer somehow led straight to concrete, sand and gravel.

A relative newcomer in the construction industry, I have been blessed to serve on several industry state, regional and national board and committees.  I was recognized as the 2008 and 2011 Maryland Concrete Promoter of the Year, and the National Ready Mix Concrete Association’s national concrete promoter of the year in 2014.

All that pales in comparison to my greatest marketing achievement of convincing my wife, Jennifer, to marry me and having five amazing children.