I’ve missed a few weeks with the birth of…
You can’t handle success!
If success started coming, would you be ready for it? Of course you say, “yes,” but too often, that might not be the case.
This past year, I have filled out several forms or sent emails as instructed by potential vendors only to not receive anything back. I’ve even had a couple of web forms break an produce and error when I tried to use them (one even for a web design firm 🙁 ). As if that weren’t enough, being in the construction industry I receive near daily requests for contractor referrals. The number one complaint I get is that the contractors never call the potential customers back. Sometimes when they do call back or answer the phone, they leave a bad impression. I’m referring them because I trust their work, but no matter how good they are, they are leaving a bad impression with the customer. It makes me want to start a business called, “We’ll Call You Back Contracting.”
No matter the reason, broken technology, bad service, etc., we are all open to leaving customers with these bad impressions. So how do we protect ourselves?
We all could use a candid audit. That can take on a lot of forms. Maybe it’s formal like market research, or secret shopping (BTW, secret shopping can be online or on the phone too). Maybe it’s less formal, like searching for online reviews, having a friend that is not familiar with your business check things out, or… if your marriage is strong enough, a little spousal input (my wife is proofing each post. Hi Jen!).
No matter what your business, you need to vigilantly check all your first impressions and make sure you are truly ready to answer when success comes knocking.
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