Just like the realtors tell you location, location, location, great…
What Stories Do Your Customers Tell?
No matter what happens (good, bad, or indifferent) every customer has an experience and story to tell about working with you. What is the story your customers would tell?
I’m reminded of a story that I heard about a family’s experience at Disney World. The little girl in the family had her very own Mickey Mouse doll that she reluctantly left behind in the hotel room as the family enjoyed a day of rides and adventures. Upon their return to the hotel they found the Mickey doll sitting on the bed, with a remote control under his arm watching TV. This simple act of the hotel maid brought a smile to each family member’s face, but it didn’t end there. They next day, when they returned, Mickey was sitting at the table with a slice of pizza. The third day, the conversation all day long was about where Mickey might be when they got back. When they got back, the could not find him anywhere. They looked all over until finally, somebody yelled from the bathroom that he was in there. They all piled in to find Mickey up on the shower bar with a shower cap on. For their last day, the little girl bounded down the hotel hall and plastered up against a window next to the room door was her Mickey Mouse doll that seemed as eager to see her, as she was to see him.
That little game with the hotel maid that the family never met was one of the high points of a great vacation. Nobody would think that a maid with zero customer contact could make such an incredible difference, but the truth is, we all can impact our customer’s experience no matter what our job and those that have customer contact have it even easier. In the Disney example, it didn’t even require money. All it takes is a little thought and a little caring to make somebody’s day.
Experience is so important and it’s something that is entirely in OUR control. Often the things that make for a truly great experience are the little things. We can all look for the little ways we can make our customers’ day.
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